Another Lockdown but we’re still standing!
Melbourne Closed for Lockdown 5.0
All politics and popular opinions aside, the ongoing lockdowns are chipping away at us in ways we couldn’t have predicted, nor imagined. It’s times like this when I am thankful to be moderately insulated from this, as a business that can function to a degree within the digital world.
While ‘working from home’ reduces my options to things like music production and audio editing, and takes away the ability to record live, consult and workshop with others, I’m lucky to have at least a handful of things to sustain the business for the time being.
It may not be particularly glaring to people and industries outside of the Arts sector, just how neglected and 'overlooked’ we are. It becomes a little more obvious when large sporting events are permitted to proceed, when theatres and performance spaces are required to stay closed. The arguments for this are weak at best.
All of this said, knowing how hard people in other parts of the world are getting hit by this pandemic, reminds me that we should try and take stock in what support and privileges we do have in a country like Australia, and be grateful for what does come our way.
I, for one have been forced to learn how to pivot and adapt to difficult restrictions, and ultimately will become more robust as a business owner, and indeed as a musician, artist and producer.
Nobody really knows what a post-covid world looks like yet, and many of our newfound skills and tricks may fall by the wayside, but some may not. If nothing else, we will definitely have some great stories to tell the next generations, and hopefully some valuable lessons.